Born and raised in Jackson County, Jake has an extensive and varied legal background. After graduating from Edna High School, he pursued a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University, where he graduated cum laude. He then became a licensed peace office after attending the Victoria Police Academy and worked as a local sheriff’s deputy for nearly four years before enrolling in the South Texas College of Law in Houston. He earned his Doctor of Jurisprudence in 2011, and passed the state bar exam later that year.
After earning his law license, Jake worked as an associate attorney at a local law firm specializing in wills, probate, estate planning, real estate, and guardianships. He left the firm after three years to accept a position as an Assistant District Attorney with the Victoria County District Attorney’s Office. As a prosecutor, Jake handled hundreds of misdemeanor cases, including D.W.I.s, assaults, drug crimes, thefts, driving while license invalid, and trespassing cases. He has prosecuted countless juvenile cases, including both misdemeanors and felonies. He was also assigned to the Justice of the Peace Courts, where he prosecuted traffic offenses and other class C misdemeanors.
In 2015, Jake opened his own law practice and has since helped hundreds of clients with a variety of legal issues. He is a Member of the Texas State Bar, Victoria County Bar Association, the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and is licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. In addition to running his law office, Jake is also City Attorney for the City of Edna, serves as President of the Jackson County Emergency Services District No. 3, Vice President of the Edna Education Foundation, and is a member of the Knights of Columbus. In 2017, The Law Office of Jake Srp was voted Best Law Office in the Jackson County Herald Tribune’s Best of the Best Contest.
Jake is married to Shelley Srp, owner of Twin Rivers Real Estate, and has three children.